Friday, 20 February 2009

Connecting LBGs to DRGs

Figure 12 from Stark et al.,

This paper presents an analysis of Lyman break galaxy candidates at
z=4, 5, and 6 (B, V, and i-dropouts respectively) from the GOODS
fields. In these fields they find 2443 B, 506 V, and 137 i dropouts;
reliable Spitzer data are available for about 35% of them, and they
use the Spitzer data to estimate stellar masses. The above figure
shows the number density of LBGs above log(M)=11 compared to the
Kriek et al. (2008) "red sequence" galaxies at z=2.3 (shown as the
red asterisk). Given the prevalence of massive star-forming galaxies
at higher redshifts, it appears plausible that these could account
for a significant fraction (the authors quote 50%) of the z=2
quiescent galaxy population.

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