I would add that real instances of pure dumb luck don't happen very often. What happens much more frequently is that somebody was in the right place at the right time, and was attentive enough to notice something interesting. But being in the right place at the right time
frequently takes a lot of work; you have to write the telescope proposal in the first place, or have to have gained access to the right kind of data, talk to the right person, etc., etc. You may do all of these things with a particular aim in mind (to investigate a "known unknown"),
but lucky people probably do these things in the hope of noticing something interesting (an "unknown unknown").
And, of course, being attentive isn't a matter of pure luck either. In other words, I suspect that in most cases people create their own luck. This kind of luck also plays some role in many conventional scientific advances; at least in astronomy, when you begin a project, you frequently can't predict with great accuracy what is going to come out of it, or what the most interesting results will be... so there will always be an element of serendipity.
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