Friday, 17 September 2010

How does galaxy environment matter?

For some obscure reason blogger does not let me put on my text here fully, so see the first comment for that....

1 comment:

Marcel said...

In 1009.3189 ('How does galaxy environment matter? The relationship between galaxy environments, colour and stellar mass at 0.4<z<1 in the Palomar/DEEP2 survey' by Grutzbach et al) the authors investigate the dependence of galaxy colours (mainly) as a function of stellar mass and several 'independent' measures of environment (halo mass, nearest neighbour densities and several dynamical quantities in a fixed 1Mpc aperture). They find that stellar mass is the main driver of galaxy colours. There is a correlation between environment and stellar mass that also explains the weak correlations between environment and colour. The plot(s) that I picked show(s) the strong dependence of colours on stellar mass and the weak dependence on halo mass in all three redshift bins probed.